Journeys Show at Crafted

The PADA show called Journeys is now up at Crafted in San Pedro, and is available for viewing through September 29, 2024. Fourteen PADA members have work on display. The gallery is open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Crafted is located at 112 E. 22nd Street, San Pedro, California. A big thank you to Margie Rust who organized this show.

Photos by Paul Anderson.

Visitors at the show on September 22

A visitor viewing John Stinson's work

Work by John Stinson

Work by Don Adkins and Patrick Smyth

Work by Lynn Doran

Visitors viewing work by James Knauf

Work by James Knauf

Work by Reidar Schopp

Work by Patrick Smyth

A visitor viewing work by Paul Anderson

Work by Margie Rust and Paul Anderson

Work by Ariel Swartley and Judy Herman

Work by Tim Truby

Work by Robin Young and Ellen Cantor

Venue overview


Japanese Cultural Institute Art Show


Photographers Exchange Exhibition